We had a great turnout this month. Theme for rifle was Korea/Vietnam and pretty much everyone had a qualified rifle. Welcome to our new shooters John and John. Congrats to Allen for taking first in rifle and to the others in the top 50% Pistol scores were very good, congrats to our top 50% including John for taking second with a very nice 1906 Swiss Luger. Steve brought a really neat 1913 mfg Colt 1911, and Eric a 1945 1911A1 as well. Theme for next month will be foreign Bolt and will be a 40 shot match.
Rifle Results:
Allen Flanagan M1 380-20V
Frank Burke SP1 374-11V
Bob G. M1A 371-11V
John Duff M1 369-9V
Allen Harper M1A 368-6V
Eric Johnson M1A 368-11V
Tim Roark SMLE 359-9V
Curtis Choy SKS 339-7V
Steve Christianson M1 328-7V
Jim K M1 276-3V
Steve Mack Match Rifle M1A 374-22V
Pistol Results:
Frank Burke 1911A1 473-35X
John Duff Swiss Luger 471-21X
Bob G 1911A1 467-26X
Allen Flanagan HiPower 452-11X
Eric Johnson 1911A1 440-8X
Allen Harper HiPower 432-12X
Steve C. SAA 417-11X
Jim K. 1911A1 407-7X
Steve Mack 1911 328-6X