Saturday, July 3, 2021

July 2021 results


In Rifle, we had 7 shooters shooting the Rifle of the Month, .30 cal Vintage US Service Rifles, and all the shooters shot genuine US military rifles to celebrate the July 4th weekend. Patriotic slogans were shared amongst the shooters. It was a fine day to celebrate Uncle Sam's Birthday weekend by shooting real American vintage rifles. God Bless America!

Rifle Results:

Frank Burke Colt M16A1 195-7 Match Winner

Allen Flanagan M1 Garand 189-11 1st ROM 

Sean Pursel M1G 184-5 2nd ROM 

Eric Johnson M1903 183-3 3rd ROM

Allen Harper M1G 170-1

Brian McLearn M1 Carbine 161-3 (+2V for shooting a Carbine ROM)

Curtis Choy M1917 153-5 (+1 V for over 100 years old ROM )

Will Muller M1 Carbine DNF (+2V for shooting a Carbine ROM)

Scores were very good today in Pistol with Frank and Al's good old American 1911's taking the top two spots. Eric shot his very nice Norwegian Nagant to round out the top 3!

Pistol Results:

Frank Burke 1911A1 480-44x

Al Flanagan 1911A1 463-18x

Eric Johnson Norwegian Nagant 456-15x

Allen Harper BHP 425-13x

Curtis Choy CZ-82 411-6x