We had our final match of the year today, fortunately the rain held off till we were finished. We started the match with offhand this time since the sun was out, and didn't shoot any sighters. Everyone seemed to like this as they weren't so tired in the offhand stage. Rifle of the month was "100 years or older" and was represented by two swede 96's and a swiss 1911 rifle. Bob brought out his new special grade cmp M1 rifle. Steve had a bit of trouble with a reload that cost him a few points, and Allen Harper had two PPU swede bullets go missing in an otherwise great rapid fire target. Congrats to the top shooters, and hope to see you next March.
Frank Burke Swede 96 387-16V 1st, 1st ROM
Bob Etzkorn M1 372-15V 2nd
Allen Harper Swede 96 356-6V 3rd, 2nd ROM
Curtis Choy Swiss 1911 353-12V 3rd ROM
Steve Christiansen 1917 Enfield 333-2V