We had a beautiful warm day and a very nice turnout. Scores in both rifle and pistol were very close and very high! I'm glad to see the pistol scores getting really good, competition is hot! I had a good day with my 1903A1 but Tim was hot on my heels with his 1917, and Curtis shot one of his best scores with his swede. Eric Johnson brought out a neat restored Norwegian Krag Carbine that was just beautiful that shot very well and also had danish krag long rifle for show. Bob G rounded out the top 5 and his scores have been steadily improving. In pistol again, Tim was hot on my heels, and Eric shot a great score with his 45 colt SAA. Bob and Allen were right behind.
Next month will be a 60 shot match with the theme of ww2 or before sniper rifles. We will do 5 shot rapid fire strings instead of 10 shot strings. We will still have the pistol match afterward as usual.
Rifle Results:
Frank Burke 1903A1 196-15x
Tim Roark US 1917 193-12V
Curtis Choy 1896 Swede 187-2V
Eric Johnson Norwegian Krag 186-5V
Bob G. M1 183-5V
Bob Etzkorn 1903Mark 1 179-8V
Allen Flanagan 179-5V
Allen Harper M1 177-8V
Niko Grimanis Turk Mauser 164-1V
Steve Christiansen 1903A3 148-2V
Pistol Results:
Frank Burke Colt 1903 473-31x
Tim Roark HiPower 472-29x
Eric Johnson SAA 462-13X
Bob Etzkorn M&P 455-15x
Allen Flanagan 1911A1 450-15x
Allen Harper 1911A1 437-6x
Curtis Choy Yugo M-57 433-5x
Niko Grimanis S&W M-10 417-9x
Steve Christiansen SAA 365-7X