It was quite warm, but no wind and we had a pretty decent turnout considering the 3 day weekend and several shooters on trips. Theme was Sniper, and we had an original 1903A4, a repro, and a PU sniper take part. Was nice to see Ted and Jason again. Allen Harper shot a great offhand score of 94 with his M1A while shooting to second place. In pistol, Olivia shot a great score with her VZ-61 just beating her brothers best score by 2 x's. Allan shot a nice score with his HiPower and Jim shot a nice score for his second ever pistol match. Fortunately I brought a spare pistol and ammo since I planned on shooting my swiss 1929 revolver but wound up bringing a box of primed brass, not loaded ammo, I guess I'm becoming one of "those guys"...jeez. Last match of the year will be October, hope to see you there.
Rifle Results:
Frank Burke 1903A4 297-23V
Allen Harper M1A 278-7V
Ed Perry 1903A4 275-10V
Ted Schrader M1 269-5V
Jason LeCorre 1903 265-6V
Curtis Choy PU sniper 255-5V
Jim Kratochvil M1 209-0V
Steve Christianson 1903A4 529-3V(I don't know how he got 529 out of 300:)
Pistol Results:
Frank Burke SAA 479-35x
Olivia Burke VZ-61 470-24x
Allen Harper HiPower 445-10x
Ed Perry SAA 433-12x
Curtis Choy 1903 colt 399-6x
Jim Kratochvil 1911A1 393-5x
Steve Christianson SAA 329-2x