Well, we had a very small turnout, but we managed to get all of the club rifles cleaned thanks to Allen, Ted, Michael, Rob and Joe. We had two new shooters, Jay and Jeff who brought new AR-15's and got them sighted in and had some fun shooting with us. Congrats to Ted and Allen for placing in the rifle match.
In pistol we had one new shooter, Bobby Keet who brought his luger and had a good time, and to Michael Schrader for shooting his grandfathers pistol for the first time in a match today! Olivia shot an outstanding score and a personal best.
Rifle Results:
Frank Burke Portugese Vergiero Mauser, 191-6V
Ted Schrader M1, 188-7V
Frank Burke Swede 96/89 Rolling block 188-7V
Allen Flanagan Yugo 59/66 169-2V
Jay Lawlor AR-15 153
Jeff Hanks AR-15 108
Pistol Results:
Frank Burke Japanese type 14 Nambu 472-31X
Olivia Burke VZ-61 skorpion 463-19X
Bobby Keet Luger 453-8X
Allen Flanagan Yugo M-57 422-2-5X
Michael Schrader S&W M&P detroit Police, 282-0X