Saturday, July 26, 2014

July 2014 Vintage Military Match Results

Small turnout this month due to vacation and national matches attendance but was still great weather and fun.  Rifle of the month theme was Korean/Vietnam War and was represented by M1's, M1 carbines, M1a's, SP-1 and CAR-15.  Congrats to the top 50% this month.  Bob shot a respectable score with his carbine even though his sight was loose and he had two misses, he had a great V count.


Frank Burke 1968 Colt SP-1 389-15V 1st
Allen Flanagan M1 375-11V 2nd
Allen Harper M1A 373-6V 3rd
Steve Christiansen M1 359-3V
Bob Etzkorn M1 Carbine 352-11V
Tim Roark CAR-15 347-4V