Saturday, July 25, 2015

July 2015 Vintage Military Rifle match Results

We had 8 shooters for the match today.  Theme was "Korea/Vietnam" and every shooter shot an elgible rifle.  We had many M1A's, along with two M1's, a soviet SKS and an AK, and a colt SP1.  I apologize for not having score sheets and for leaving one of the radios dead, we managed to make due in any case.  I also did not notice that there was a tie for a record score by Allen Flanagan with 100-9V slow fire prone with a semi-auto, and a new record by Eric Johnson with 100-8V for prone rapid with a semi-auto, congrats to both!  Eric also had a great offhand score of 94-3V!


Frank Burke Colt SP1 392-19V 1st
Allen Flanagan M1 382-15V 2nd
Eric Johnson M1A 380-17V 3rd
Allen Harper M1A 375-14V 4th
David Knight M1A 360-13V
Curtis Choy SKS 336-5V
Steve Christiansen M1 334-4V
Frank Calistro AK-47 178