Saturday, September 3, 2016

September 2016 match results

We had a really nice day and a very nice turnout especially considering the holiday weekend.  Theme for this month was WW2 and before sniper rifles with scopes limited to 4x power.  We had an actual 1903A4, a replica from creedmore, a nice M1D with original mount and weaver alaskan scope, and a Yugo M-48 with a scout type scope setup.  We welcomed David Yarger who came to shoot his Finn match rifle for fun, I broke the group up into sniper, iron sight and "other" since we had two other AR shooters as well.  Ted shot a great score with his iron sight AR to just beat Tim shooting a scoped AR, and ahead of David who had a very nice score considering he had two "5" crossfires that didn't count. Bob just beat out Allen Harper in iron sight class.  In sniper my new creedmore 1903A4-gery did a very good job for me, even if I was struggling in offhand, Allen's M1D shot a very nice 100-11V prone, and Curtis' M48 did very well as well in prone.  Steve's original 1903A4 also had some very nice strings.  In pistol scores were very good, with me edging out Tim, followed by Allen F. and Curtis with his Sig 220 and Max shooting for the first time in a long time with the VZ-61 Skorpion.

Thanks to all who shot and we'll see you for the final match in October.

Rifle Results:
Frank Burke 1903A4 297-25V
Ted Schrader AR-15 292-18V
Tim Roark AR-15 291-27V
David Yarger M-76 Finn 286-22V
Bob B. M1 276-5V
Allen Flanagan M1D 275-16V
Allen Harper M1-308 269-7V
Curtis Choy M-48 sniper 264-8V
Steve C. 1903A4 259-10V

Pistol Results:
Frank Burke Swiss 1929 Ordnance revolver 474-27X
Tim Roark HiPower 472-25X
Allen Flanagan S&W Victory 448-8X
Curtis Choy Sig 220 444-12X
Max Burke VZ-61 425-7X
Allen Harper 1911A1 394-6X
Steve C. SAA 363-8X
David Yarger Makarov No score submitted

Here are the remaining matches and the match themes for next year.

2016 Matches

October 1, 40 shot rifle, 48 shot pistol

2017 Matches

March 80 shot rifle(theme is mosin-nagant), 48 shot pistol
April 40 shot rifle, 48 shot pistol
May 80 shot rifle(theme is Springfield Rifle), 48 shot pistol
June 40 shot rifle, 48 shot pistol
July 80 shot rifle(theme is korea/vietnam), 48 shot pistol
August 40 shot rifle, 48 shot pistol
September, 60 shot rifle(theme is ww2 or before sniper), 48 shot pistol
October 40 shot rifle, 48 shot pistol