Saturday, August 1, 2020

Aug 2020 Results

We had a nice turnout and very nice weather for the match today.   With no rifle of the month theme there was a good representation of vintage models and makes.
Frank took the day for rifle with a solid 191 but not before leaving the door open to challengers by dropping a couple of points.  But no one rose to the occasion to dethrone the course record holder.  Eric was first runner up with the sweet shooting Swede and a 189.  Ted Schrader had a fine 47 with 3 V's in offhand with a true blue red blooded American M1 Garand.  Ted gave Frank a run for his money - Only an unfortunate jammed round kept him out of the winner circle.  

Thanks to all who participated!

Rifle Results: 
Frank Burke M16A1            191-7V(Match Winner)
Eric Johnson  Swede M38  189-9V 
Allen Flanagan M1 Garand 187- 2V 
Ted Schrader M1 Garand    186-9V 
Brian McLearn M1 Garand  180-4V
Sean Pursel    7x57 FN49    179-5V
Allen Harper M1 Garand      172-3V
Ben Lalonde M1 Garand      172-3V
Curtis Choy Swede M96      165-4 (2nd ROM)
Alex Briggs M1917               147-2

In Pistol, scores were very close today with 3rd and 4th separated by one X, and Ben with an outstanding score with his P-1.  We had a nice mix of pistols from 1917's, M-40 Lahti's to Schofields.  Congrats to the top 50% in both rifle and pistol.

Pistol Results:

Frank Burke 1911A1 477-40x
Ben Lalonde P-1 468-14x
Allen Flanagan 1911A1 449-14x
Eric Johnson Schofield 449-13x
Curtis Choy M-40 Lahti 444-10x
Allen Harper HiPower 442-12x
Alex Briggs 1911A1 421-10x
Sean Purcell 1917 367-6x