Saturday, August 22, 2015

August 2015 Vintage Military Rifle match results

It was a very nice day, no wind, just a little smokey from the nearby fire.  Theme was semi-auto battle rifle, represented by two M1's and two M1A's.  We had one new shooter, whos name I already forgot, sorry, who was shooting an enfield but had some issues with his reloads, I think he will be back, he had a taste of what it was like, and had fun.  Scores were good today with the 2-4th place very close. Ted gave us a quick update on his and Jason's Camp Perry experience. I had a very good day today, setting a new record for slow fire prone 100-12V and a new overall match record with 397-30V.  I dropped the three points in offhand, which wasn't very good today, I threw a lot of shots, but fortunately they were still barely in the 5 ring.


Frank Burke M1A 397-30V 1st
Allen Flanagan M1 382-11V 2nd
Ted Schrader M1 379-15V 3rd
Allen Harper M1A 373-8V
Curtis Choy M-48 353-4V