Saturday, July 1, 2017

July 2017 Results

We had really nice cool weather for the match today and turnout was good.  For fourth of July weekend everybody was shooting an American rifle, either an M1A, M1 or AR-15/SP1 as theme was korea/vietnam.  Scores were very good today.  In pistol, everyone has upped their game with six shooters above 460,  and Tim is really nipping at my heels with his P-38/P1.  Olivia shot a very good score with her first time with a single action army pistol.

Here are the results:


Frank Burke SP1 390-21V
Eric Johnson M1A 380-14V
Allen Harper M1A 379-12V
Allen Flanagan M1 373-11V
Ted Schrader M1 360-7V
Curtis Choy M1A 354-4V
Steve Christianson M1 313-5V

Tim Roark SP1 Match rifle 386-31V
Bob Etzkorn M1A Match rifle 379-15V


Frank Burke 1911A1 478-34X
Tim Roark P1 477-35X
Olivia Burke SAA 469-18X
Allen Flanagan 1917 Colt 462-22X
Bob Etzkorn M&P 462-14X
Allen Harper HiPower 442-11X
Steve Christianson SAA 373-4X
Curtis Choy M-57 Tok 349-5X

Eric Johnson Single Six 475-21X